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South Africa brings a strong presence to ITB Berlin 2025
With 1,258,706 arrivals, an increase of 1.1% compared to the previous year, South Africa recorded a positive trend in 2024.
A strong Team South Africa contingent is participating in ITB Berlin again this year to continue to encourage inbound tourism growth.
Made up of 15 small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), they will be exhibiting at the South African pavilion in hall 20.
Led by South Africa’s Minister of Tourism, Patricia de Lille, Team South Africa will welcome media from Germany and around the world to a press conference on Wednesday 5 March, 10:00a.m. On this occasion, the Minister will lead a discussion on new products and services in South Africa and there will be a dedicated workshop tailored specifically for South African SMMEs (small micro and medium enterprises). This will offer invaluable networking opportunities at 11:30a.m. for tour operators. Both events will take place in hub 27, Room Beta 8.
Throughout ITB Berlin this year, South African partners will be available for business discussions with the aim of ensuring that the country remains a preferred travel destination for a diverse range of markets.
South Africa offers a wide variety of products and experiences that travellers seek, making the destination an attractive choice for a wide audience. South Africa also provides a range of sustainable products, which is both a sales argument while contributing to the preservation of the planet. The entire South African tourism sector is united and looking forward to attending ITB Berlin 2025.
Hall 20 | Stand 201