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Your brand
at the

Why exhibit at ITB Berlin?

ITB Berlin is where you will find ideal conditions and services aimed at your success in the travel industry. Our team is working with full force on providing more good reasons to join ITB Berlin.

10 good reasons:

1. Be at the forefront: ITB Berlin is the World’s Leading Travel Trade Show®!

2. Strengthen (or establish) your brand.

3. Grow your network by meeting new prospective customers and think-alikes.

4. Strengthen your bond with existing customers.

5. Close deals with a hand shake directly on the show floor.

6. Increase your knowledge and discover latest trends from the travel industry.

7. Meet fresh companies that optimise your own business.

8. See first hand what your competitors are doing right (or wrong).

9. Expand your database of leads rapidly.

10. Be present and addres your target market directly.

The next steps

You want register your company as exhibitor for the upcoming ITB Berlin and want to explore all options and gather tips on how to plan your participation? This way please: