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Start of the latest ITB Berlin Podcast series on the skills shortage and lack of young people in the tourism industry
In the first episode presented by elevatr co-founder Laura Schmidt, two twenty year-olds talk about their “new work” demands in their role as potential employees
November 10, 2022
It is an issue that from now on will probably always be of concern to the industry: the skills shortage and lack of young people is affecting every area of the tourism sector. The pandemic was not the cause, but it certainly had a big impact. Beyond that, demographic change is taking its toll. What is more, the industry is not necessarily known for being the nicest place to work. Shift work is only one of many aspects that are increasingly deterring people from this sector. A big German daily newspaper recently reported that in Germany alone there are some 46,000 vacant tourism jobs – many of them in the hospitality sector. ITB Berlin is responding by devoting four podcast episodes to this topic. In the first episode, the focus is on the demands being placed on potential employers and the importance of remote working and hybrid work concepts, as well as dedication to the job, trust and non-material benefits for example. Elevatr, a recently founded trade publication that sees itself as a platform for inspiration and networking, is the exclusive partner of the series.
To listen to the full episode please click here.