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As well as flexibility, security in particular is needed
There are still discrepancies in the hotel sector in the digitalisation of added
Whereas tourism’s end customers are becoming used to a growing number of digital processes for reservations and payment, there are still large digital gaps between the various players in the value added chain. This was made evident during the panel discussion between spokespersons from Voxel, Mastercard and PayPal about future digital payment methods and the trends and developments in this context.
Chiara Quaia, Vice President Market Development Travel, Enterprise Partnerships at Mastercard, and Xavier Ginesta, Chairman of Voxel, a B2B payment systems provider, both called for a more far-reaching integration of the relevant processes for dealing with payments, especially in the hotel sector. Much more needs to be done, for example in automating individual processes in order to meet current needs following the pandemic, in a situation that may be characterised by a drastic lack of personnel in the hotel sector.
Jörg Kablitz, Managing Director at PayPal DACH, pointed out that, given the increased risks of travel projects, customers will demand a greater flexibility from service providers. Consequently PayPal is now offering new payment models, including payment by instalments. Having been persuaded to adopt digital bookings and payment, most customers will be reluctant to abandon these processes.
The large group comprising the over-fifties joined the digital community during the pandemic and is now demanding all the possibilities offered by the flexibility that this brings, but also secure payment systems, according to Kablitz. In the same context he pointed out that this risk minimisation is also a competitive factor for both sides, which companies will have to take into account. Although customers may not necessarily search for a service provider who offers the greatest possible security, once they have been disappointed they are probably not likely to return.